SOFUS (SIMD Optimized Fast Ultrasound Simulator)
Jens Munk Hansen

Table of contents


SOFUS is a framework and an application for simulating ultrasonic fields in frequency or time domain. The first part of this work was published in 2016 [7] . The work is made primarily is C++ and is wrapped for use in Python with the extensible compiler, simplified wrapper and interface generator (SWIG) [2] . The program is implemented to support modern single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) architectures - hence it's name SIMD Optimized Fast Ultrasound Simulator (SOFUS).

Graphical User Interface

An initial user interface has been created with Python using PyQt4. The intention is to make a native application, which is easier to distribute. For now, this is the only graphical interface to the library.

The GUI consists of a number of tabs, where each tab is used for a given purpose.

  • Simulation

    This tab is used for setting simulation parameters, e.g. integration order for time or frequency domain simulations. Global parameters such as speed-of-sound is also set here.

  • Transducer

    This tab is used for defining the transducer by specifying a number of parameters and using one of the supported geometries

  • Field

    The transmitted field can be computed on any axis-parallel 2D grid. If two singleton dimensions are selected, a 1D curve will be computed.


Bla bla bla

Other Stuff

Functional requirements

Examples of usage

C++ example

Below, the continuous wave field is computed for a 128-element linear array.

const float f0 = 1.0e6f;
const float c = 1500;
const size_t nElements = 128;
const float kerf = 5.0e-4f;
const float width = 3e-3f;
const float height = 50e-3f;
size_t nDiv = 4;
const size_t nx = 170;
const size_t nz = 250;
auto pos = sps::unique_aligned_array_create<float>(nx*nz*3);
const float d = (width+kerf)*nx;
const float dx = (1.5f * d) / nx;
const float dz = (2.0f * d) / nz;
float focus[3] = {0, 0, d};
std::vector<float> xs(nx);
std::vector<float> zs(nz);
float wx = static_cast<float>(nx-1) / 2;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nx ; i++) {
xs[i] = (static_cast<float>(i) - wx) * dx;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nz ; i++) {
zs[i] = static_cast<float>(i) * dz;
fnm::Aperture<float> a(nElements, width, kerf, height);
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nx ; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0 ; j < nz ; j++) {
pos[3*(i*nz+j) + 0] = xs[i];
pos[3*(i*nz+j) + 1] = 0.0f;
pos[3*(i*nz+j) + 2] = zs[j];
// Output variables
size_t nresults = 0;
std::complex<float>* results = NULL;
// Compute pressure
int err;
err = a.CalcCwFast(pos.get(), nx*nz, 3, &results, &nresults);
// Clean-up
Definition: cenv.h:353
Aperture class.
Definition: fnm.hpp:111

ANSI-C example

Below, the continuous wave field is computed for a 128-element linear array.

const float f0 = 1.0e6f;
const float c = 1500.0f;
const size_t nElements = 64; // 128
const float kerf = 5.0e-4f;
const float width = 3e-3f;
const float height = 50e-3f;
size_t nDiv = 4;
const size_t nx = 170;
const size_t nz = 250;
float* pos = (float*) malloc(nx*nz*3*sizeof(float));
const float d = (width+kerf)*nx;
const float dx = (1.5f * d) / nx;
const float dz = (2.0f * d) / nz;
float focus[3] = {0,0,d};
float* xs = (float*) malloc(nx*sizeof(float));
float* zs = (float*) malloc(nz*sizeof(float));
float wx = (nx-1.0f) / 2;
size_t i,j;
for (i = 0 ; i < nx ; i++) {
xs[i] = ( (float)i - wx) * dx;
for (i = 0 ; i < nz ; i++) {
zs[i] = (float)i * dz;
Aperture* a = NULL;
int err = ApertureLinearCreate(&a, nElements, width, kerf, height);
ApertureRwFloatParamSet(a,Focus, &focus[0], 1);
// TODO: Narrow down interface
for (i = 0 ; i < nx ; i++) {
for (j = 0 ; j < nz ; j++) {
pos[3*(i*nz+j) + 0] = xs[i];
pos[3*(i*nz+j) + 1] = 0.0f;
pos[3*(i*nz+j) + 2] = zs[j];
size_t nresults = 0;
float complex* results = NULL;
err = ApertureCalcCwFieldRef(a, pos, nx*nz, 3, &results, &nresults);
err = ApertureCalcCwFast(a, pos, nx*nz, 3, &results, &nresults);
// Clean-up
err = ApertureDestroy(a);
if (results) {
int ApertureNThreadsSet(Aperture *obj, size_t nThreads)
int ApertureNDivHSet(Aperture *obj, size_t nDiv)
int ApertureNDivWSet(Aperture *obj, size_t nDiv)
int ApertureCalcCwFieldRef(Aperture *obj, float *pos, size_t nPositions, size_t nDim, SPS_FCOMPLEX **odata, size_t *nOutPositions)
struct Aperture Aperture
Definition: if_fnm.h:33
int ApertureFocusingTypeSet(Aperture *obj, int ftype)
int ApertureDestroy(Aperture *obj)
int ApertureLinearCreate(Aperture **obj, size_t nElements, float width, float kerf, float height)